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Gravitas Limited

SOA-QPS4 Rank by Contractor 34
Gravitas Limited awarded 7 IT service contracts, with total amount $9,307,400 (0.31%). In the SOA-QPS4, it ranks #34 in terms of contract total.
Contract Sum
This Quarter: -
Num of contract
This Quarter: -
Average Amount
95.00 days
Percentage in total
CategoryContract SumCountRank
3/Minor $9,307,400 7 13
% in 3/Minor
Contract Sum
Num of contract
Average Amount
95.00 days
Combined System Development Services of the Migration of Raingauge System to Cloud Platform
Civil Engineering and Development Department
Contractor: Gravitas Limited
HKD$2,208,800 (Rank #1)
Award date: 2018-02-06
Combined System Development Services for Online Platforms
Efficiency Office
Contractor: Gravitas Limited
HKD$1,775,800 (Rank #2)
Award date: 2019-02-27
Migration Services of ERKS for the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Communications and Creative Industries Branch
Commerce and Economic Development Bureau
Contractor: Gravitas Limited
HKD$1,497,800 (Rank #3)
Award date: 2018-03-28
Provision of Services for Offices and Server Rooms Relocation and Network Design and Implementation for the Transport Department
Transport Department
Contractor: Gravitas Limited
HKD$1,394,500 (Rank #4)
Award date: 2018-03-27
Implementation Services of Lotus Notes Upgrade
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Contractor: Gravitas Limited
HKD$1,312,500 (Rank #5)
Award date: 2017-12-01
Technology Enhancement of Server Infrastructure for the Correctional Services Department
Correctional Services Department
Contractor: Gravitas Limited
HKD$999,000 (Rank #6)
Award date: 2019-09-27
System Analysis & Design, and System Implementation & System Integration For the Mobile Application (Contact Directory Mobility)
Water Supplies Department
Contractor: Gravitas Limited
HKD$119,000 (Rank #7)
Award date: 2018-09-17

Contract Awarded

HKD $999,000 (Rank in amt: 204)
Award date: 2019-09-27
HKD $1,775,800 (Rank in amt: 111)
Award date: 2019-02-27
HKD $1,312,500 (Rank in amt: 165)
Award date: 2017-12-01